Answers to frequently asked questions

How many calls may I make to the Physicians and the operators of the Medical Concierge?

There is no limit to the amount of calls to doctors at the Medical Concierge. You can call whenever you need it.

How can I be sure my data is safe and secure?

The Personal Medical File is protected by the highest security standards, as well as being an CE medical device, the Personal Medical File is protected by Verisign https protocol. You can visualise the Verisign certification of Medic4all on the following page:

Is the telemonitoring equipment certified as a medical product in U.K.?

Certainly. The CE Medical Certification is referred to the European standards and is valid for all member states. On the page https://medic4all.org/images/CE.pdf you may consult the certification document issued by the European Certification Autority.

To access the videoconferencing system do I need special software?

The videoconference system is embedded in the Personal Medical File tools. The only requisite is to have the Java Software installed on your Personal Computer. The Java software is easily downloadable for free from the site www.java.com.

How do you choose the clinical structures included in the network?

The structures are selected for Medic4all based on an analysis of services provided and a verification on the quality of services, upon recommendation of the physicians who collaborate with Medic4all and are present in that country. The convention is a direct agreement between Medic4all and network, which must guarantee the quality standards stipulated in the contract agreement.